Why I Chose Farmasi Instead Of Other Makeup Companies!
Everyday, I get the same question in my inbox at least three times a day. Why did I choose Farmasi, over all the other makeup companies out there? Well let me tell you why! I mean really, where do I start? Let's start with my story! I was working a health and wellness company, that I was slowly losing interest in. I didn't know it at the time. But eventually I did! I needed MORE in my life! Something that brought color to my life! Something that I could find that I am passionate about, and can finally see some kind of success! I remembered seeing someone who was with Younique. But I wasn't sure if I wanted to be with Younique, considering the price on their mascara that I couldn't afford anyways. But it was worth finding out what the company offered, for options. I reached out to her, and she mentioned that she was no longer with Younique. But she found something better! So I said, "What the heck, whats the new opportunity you have?". I knew she wasn't t...